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Ripple Energy Complaints Procedure

Last updated: 29 Mar 2023

At Ripple we really care about what you think, so we welcome any feedback and will respond to any complaints you may have to try and put things right.

It is important that your complaint is directed to the right place, so:

If you have a complaint about your billing, tariff, or anything else about the sales of electricity to you, please get in touch with your electricity supplier.

If you are experiencing problems with the supply of electricity to your home, e.g. if there are black-outs, please get in touch with your district network operator – you can find out who that is at

If you would like to raise a complaint about the service Ripple is providing, or regarding one of the societies or projects we manage, please contact us at

Ripple never makes unsolicited outbound calls. If you receive an unsolicited call from a company calling themselves Ripple, it's not us who's called. If you have any concerns please send an email to

Or write to us at:

Ripple Energy Limited, The Frames, 1 Phipp Street, Unit 2.08, London EC2A 4PS

If you do get in touch, please provide as much information as possible to help us understand the problem so we can try and fix it quickly.

How we handle complaints:

Once you get in touch with us we will try and resolve the problem quickly and efficiently. We will:

Respond to and try to address your complaint within 5 business days;

If we are unable to resolve your complaint as quickly, or effectively, as you would like you can ask for it to be escalated to the chief executive or the chairman of the society, as appropriate.